Pérez Escudero Lab
webdesign eco-conception accessibility branding public institution university
Alfonso contacted me in order to make his team's work accessible to the community, he asked us to design a logo, a website and a template so that the powerpoint presentations would have a visual unity.
Designing a logo for public research required a different approach to that of a business or commercial project. This logo moves away from the clichés around the representation of science, embraces the team's questions, and its discreet link to choreography, the study of trajectories being at the heart of its research, gives it a poetic and narrative dimension.
For the website, we chose to make it sober without being austere, with a slightly grey background to make navigation visually softer, careful typographical choices, a few lines to organise the projects and publications, and put the spotlights on the photographs.
Alfonso needed quick and easy access to add content himself on a regular basis, so we used wordpress for its comprehensive admin panel.For the power point template we prepared slides of introduction, thanks, presentation of the figures in solo, duo, trio... and especially some slides of "tools" to put forward evolutions, comparisons, to isolate a part of figure... with the help of various arrows but also the use of coloured blocks and transparency.
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👀 Workshop Textile & Print 1
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